Seemingly weightless, the new TS3 construction roofs the service and changing buildings of the lido in Brunnen. Together with Dettling Holzbau and steinerARCHITEKTUR, TS3 invites to a project tour with aperitif - a good opportunity to get to know the technology.
An organically curved main roof accentuates the inviting entrance to the lido and shades the seating areas of the restaurant. steinerARCHITEKTUR designed the filigree roof on thin steel columns with a steel columns with a grid of just 8 x 8 meters. This seemingly weightless construction is possible thanks to TS3 technology.
End connection
by joint grouting
Timber Structures 3.0 technology, or TS3 for short, is a process that enables large
large load-bearing surfaces made of wood. These large surfaces can replace
replace reinforced concrete in most areas. Over ten years of research and development
were necessary to find the solution: A process using a two-component
polyurethane casting resin. This resin bonds the wooden elements together in a fracture-proof manner.
with each other. On
September 16, TS3 and the project partners will be inviting
partners will be inviting guests to a tour of the project and to an aperitif - a good
get to know the technology. We look forward to welcoming you at this event.
September 16, 2021,
5.00 p.m. Arrival of guests and welcome
5.10 p.m. Greeting Melanie Brunner, Managing Director Lignum Central Switzerland
5.20 p.m. Greeting Stefan Zöllig, TS3 AG
5.30 p.m. Input Architecture, Edgar Steiner, steinerARCHITEKTUR
5.35 hrs Input Engineering, Roger Schärli, Besmer Holzingenieure
17.40 hrs Input Timber Construction, Hans Dettling, Dettling Holzbau
17.45 hrs Input TS3-Technology Christian Dörig, TS3 AG
18.15 hrs Opening Apéro Riche
21.00 hrs End of the event
Public transport: Bus to bus stop Brunnen, Schiller.
Navi: Gersauerstrasse
83, 6440 Ingenbohl. At the bathing complex there are a few
parking spaces are available for a fee.
ask you to send your registration for the event to mrbglts3bz
for the event.
Protective measures / Covid
Since the event will take place outdoors, no Covid certificate obligation applies. The required distance can be guaranteed at all times. Disinfectant will be provided on site.
Schilliger Holz AG is the first licensed manufacturer of TS3 panels.
manufacturer for TS3 boards. It supplied the 250 m3 cross-laminated timber panels, which were
pre-treated with a primer and provided with sealing and segmental strips.
The panels measure up to 13.5 x 3.4 meters and weigh up to 5 tons. After installation by Dettling Holzbau, a TS3 application technician sealed
sealed the joints and injected the casting resin into the joints.
joints. The design was penned by steinerARCHITEKTUR, and Besmer Holzingenieure was responsible for the structural analysis.
Pictures: steinerARCHITEKTUR