Wooden basement


What seemed impossible for a long time is now reality: basements made entirely of wood. Andreas Burgherr gave a lecture on basements in timber construction at the Baumusterzentrale in Zurich. Here you can find the recording of the event and further exciting information.

Concrete, steel and wood are three of the important building materials, which can also perform structural tasks. Due to their share of buildings, they are of outstanding importance in the calculation of the in the calculation of the CO₂ balance sheet and in achieving sustainability goals.

The CO₂ footprint of timber construction projects construction projects using the timber construction method. In Thun 2021, Timbatec planned and built the first first multi-family house with a wooden basement and floor slab. implemented. This is based on a system developed in-house, which means that concrete can be concrete can be dispensed with in the basement. The plywood panels prepared in the prepared in the factory are glued and sealed on site to form large areas. glued and sealed on site.

Timber Basements

Timber Basements

Ein Sonderheft zu Untergeschossen aus Holz

Insights into the Baumusterzentrale on 19.01.2023

On the basis of three examples on the occasion projects from the fields of architectural planning, engineering and system engineering and system development will be presented and discussed.

In the project for the high-rise residential building on Freihofstrasse in Zurich by pool Architekten, the engineers from Schnetzer Puskas and Schnetzer Puskas, a filigree and material-saving load-bearing structure was developed. and material-saving load-bearing structure was developed, with short spans enabling very thin ceilings. The material of choice: concrete.

For the Herbstweg project, the architectural firm of Graser Troxler Herbstweg project, the architectural firm Graser Troxler reduced the classic master builder work to a minimum. Alone basement, the firewall and the superimposed concrete for the composite sheet metal in-situ concrete. For the residential floors, they used a steel girder construction that is steel beams and columns, which, thanks to the detachable connections, can be reused at a later date. steel beams and columns, which are suitable for later reuse thanks to the detachable connections.


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