First power-to-gas plant inaugurated


With the inauguration, the project partners have achieved an important goal: proving that power-to-gas plants can function on a large scale and thus contribute to supplying the country with renewable gas. In terms of construction, the new building in Dietikon is also exemplary: from the parking ceiling upwards, the plant building is a purely wooden structure.

First power-to-gas plant inaugurated

A great day for all involved: They today in the presence of Zurich Cantonal Government Councillor Martin Neukom and and Benoît Revaz, Director of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE). industrial power-to-gas plant in Switzerland. With an electrolysis capacity of 2.5 megawatts (MW), it produces around 18,000 megawatt hours (MWh) of synthetic renewable gas per year. The plant thus makes important contribution to the decarbonization of the country. Thanks to it up to 5,000 metric tons of CO₂ can be saved each year.

The hybrid power plant is a first in Switzerland: The power-to-gas plant produces renewable gas from waste and wastewater. renewable gas from waste and wastewater. In the choice of construction materials, too, those responsible are relying on the ecological timber construction.

Gas treatment in wood construction

The wooden construction of the Limeco impresses with its simplicity and its performance. The walls are made of visible cross laminated timber panels - made from "beetle wood". The up to 12 tons are supported by a ceiling made of horizontal glulam. glulam. The high loads cause settlements, which are compensated for with with a pressure distribution plate made of beech. An outer shell of horizontal wood formwork completes the simple but refined building. The video shows how the building was erected in just a few weeks.


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Limeco is proud to have built the first industrially industrially operated power-to-gas plant and thus to make a significant contribution to the energy transition in Switzerland.

Power-to-gas enables the storage of renewable energy
plant is making a contribution to the transformation of the Swiss energy system. The Energy Strategy 2050 envisages replacing nuclear power with solar, hydro and wind power. and wind power. This means that in the future, much more electricity will be produced than consumed. In winter, on the other hand, when energy demand is greater Switzerland will have to import electricity. Power-to-gas is a key technology for seasonal storage of surplus renewable electricity. storage.

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