The hanging gardens of Zug


A new innovation quarter is being built in Zug - the Zug Tech Cluster. In the midst of the new and renovated buildings stands "Semiramis" - a tower with five oversized wooden plant bowls. Timbatec and TS3 are pleased to be part of this lighthouse project.

The hanging gardens of Zug

"Semiramis", the hanging gardens of Zug tower more than 22 meters above the ground at the entrance to the new Tech Cluster Zug. meters into the air. They provide a habitat for native plants and small animals and thus bring natural diversity to the new quarter. "Semiramis" is a sign of the increasingly close cooperation between machines and people. between machines and people. team from Gramazio Kohler Research at the ETH Zurich conceptualized the architectural design of the wooden structure and, in collaboration with various internal and external and external partners to develop a fully robotic assembly process for the for positioning the cross-laminated timber boards with millimeter precision. robots working simultaneously make this process possible.


Connection with TS3 joints
The end surfaces of the individual individual cross laminated timber boards are treated with primer beforehand. After the panels are in the correct position, the TS3 casting resin is applied. The cross-laminated timber boards can thus be joined together at the end faces by joint grouting without the face sides of the boards can be joined together. Timbatec developed this process in several research projects with the ETH Zurich and the Berner University of Applied Sciences. Today it is mainly used for the construction of Today, it is mainly used for the construction of floor slabs, but also enables structures such as "Semiramis".

RWIND Simulation from Dlubal Software
"Semiramis" is not only a highly complex matter in assembly and production a highly complex matter. The five plant trays are all differently shaped and have a diameter of up to 10 m. The slender and tall structure is lushly planted with large bushes and trees and thus has a stately dead weight. At the same time, it represents a large attack surface for the wind. .

Thanks to the advantageous round shape of the shells, the wind is guided around the structure. around the construction. Nevertheless, the stiffening of the structure with the eight slender slender columns is a challenge. The wind pressures on the shell were calculated with calculated with a fluid mechanical RWIND simulation from Dlubal Software, which simulates the flow around the structure in a wind tunnel. In addition resonance effects along and across the wind direction had to be taken into wind direction had to be taken into account in the calculations.

RWIND Simulation from Dlubal Software