NPK 332 Wood construction


Timber construction architecture has developed rapidly in recent years. We are part and driver of this development and are involved in various committees in the development of new working principles. With the NPK 332 and the Lignatec wood preservation, two documents are currently in the consultation process, which Timbatec has significantly contributed to.

NPK 332 Wood construction

The innovative construction methods and forms require not only new structural and design solutions, but also up-to-date performance performance specifications. They should enable the tenderers to include the the planned building in the contract for work and services between the contractor and the client. technically correct and legally unambiguous in the contract for work and services between the contractor and the client.

New NPK 332 with all timber construction work
The market share and the individual construction projects have grown significantly over the last increased significantly over the last 20 years. The tender documents must take this positive development into account. For this reason, chapters 331, 332 and 333 of the standard item catalog have been completely revised. All wood construction work - carpentry, element construction, cladding and finishing - are now combined in one chapter. High demands are placed on a new NPK Holzbau is expected to meet high standards: For example, it should be possible to describe new and material developments in a technically correct and legally compliant manner, and and it should also be possible to apply it consistently in the digital planning environment. Stefan Zöllig, the author of the new NPK chapter, and his colleagues chapter, and his colleagues Fredy Birchmeier and Simon Meier give an insight into the work insight into their work on the new edition of the NPK 332.Read the report.

Stefan Zöllig presented the systematics of the new NPK chapter in an Impulse webinar last November. The webinar can be found here.


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New approaches to consultation
After a good two years of work, the new NPK chapter is ready for consultation. Here, too, the CRB is taking a new approach: instead of a written consultation, a kick-off was held online on February 18, 2021, at which Stefan Zöllig explained the concepts and contents of the new NPK 332 Timber Construction to the interested participants.

Lignatec 1 Wood protection
The Lignatec staplers are a series of technical wood information from Lignum, which is often used as an aid in wood as an aid in wood construction planning. Each issue deals with a specific topic. 1995 the first booklet on wood preservation in construction was published. After a good 25 years the publication has been completely revised for the new edition.

Timbatec was involved as a co-author in the new publication and is pleased that the new booklet is now being consulted by the Lignum's sponsoring associations. We are convinced that that the new Lignatec will help architects with little experience in the design of architects who have little experience in the design of timber buildings. of wood preservation.

Lignatec Old and New


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