Prix Lignum: 3rd place in the West region for the Loveresse work yard


The Werkhof Loveresse in the Bernese Jura has reached the 3rd place of the Western Region at the Prix Lignum 2018. The prize is awarded for innovative and forward-looking works made of wood. Timbatec was involved in the detailed planning of the award-winning Werkhof from the very beginning.

Prix Lignum: 3rd place in the West region for the Loveresse work yard

The Prix Lignum is awarded by Lignum, Holzwirtschaft Switzerland, the umbrella organization of the Swiss forestry and timber industry. The prize honors the innovative, high-quality and forward-looking use of wood in buildings of wood in buildings, interior design, furniture and artistic works. artistic works. The prize is awarded only every three years - and in five major regions of Switzerland. From the regional winners, three national prize winners are chosen in the gold, silver and bronze categories.

At this year's award ceremony at the end of September, the Werkhof Loveresse came third in the Western Region. Timbatec was responsible for the timber construction and fire protection planning. fire protection planning.

Elegant timber construction
The light and elegant timber construction was designed as a single linear hall. single linear hall. The 150-meter-long building combines numerous uses under one roof: the parking garage for the vehicles, the salt storage salt storage, a washroom, a locksmith's shop and a mechanics' workshop. mechanics workshop. The depot also houses individual and open-plan offices, checkrooms, sanitary facilities and an archive.

Almost only Swiss wood
1800 cubic meters of wood were used for the Werkhof, which was inaugurated in 2017. of wood was used in the construction of the depot, the vast majority of which comes from Swiss forests. The Werkhof serves as a base for the Civil Engineering Office of the Canton of Bern and the Federal Roads Office (FEDRO).

You can find out more about the Loveresse can be found here.


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